YA Scavenger Hunt Winners and Other Stuff…

I  can officially say that I have read every last one of the three hundred emails I received as entries for my giveaway. Wow! You all made it hard for me to pick just ONE! I had sweet little poems, pleading, begging, compliments, you name it, I read it. I laughed and enjoyed every minute of it. Until I had to pick one! Just for the record I don’t hand pick my winners. I happen to be a sucker and can’t tell people no, so I use a trusty computer system that randomly draws the winners for me. It keeps me from agonizing over it. I did go a little soft and offer two runner up prizes which were not mentioned in the Scavenger Hunt giveaway post yesterday. I’m giving the two runners up (the second and third names I had the computer system spit out to me) a signed Breathe canvas tote and a digital copy of Breathe. It can be either Kindle format or .pdf.  The winners just need to tell me which format they need. Yesterday was so much fun and I loved reading all the tweets from the hunters. I will be emailing the winners shortly but here they are….

YA Scavenger Hunt Giveway (includes a $20 Barnes and Noble giftcard and a signed Breathe canvas tote goes to 
Lindsey Rosier

Runner Up #1 gets a signed Breathe canvas tote and a digital copy of Breathe
 Ariadna S 
Runner Up #2 gets a signed Breathe canvas tote and a digital copy of Breathe
Cathy Ferguson

If I could have given everyone a prize I would have =) 

Speaking of giveaways there are several going on in the Breathe Blog Tour. Yesterday Stuck in Books posted a review and giveaway check it out here. 
Today Letters Inside Out has a guest blog post from me where I tell about why I chose South Alabama for the setting of Breathe and she has a giveaway too check it out here.

Also yesterday I was interviewed by Laura Elliott author of the awesome new YA release Winnemucca. She gets me to share my most awkward high school moment along with other pretty cool questions  check it out here.