While It Lasts Movie- Answers To Your Questions

While It Lasts Questions Answered


Since I announced that While It Lasts had been optioned for film back in November things have gone faster than anticipated. What many people do not understand is that if a book is optioned for a movie it doesn’t mean that movie will actually happen.

​However, I chose to do things a bit differently. I didn’t agree to an option with a large studio production that would make my decisions for me. I chose to go with an independent company who wanted to work with me to take my book to film. In doing it this way things don’t go exactly the same pace.

​This past week Addam Bramich, who will play Cage York in the movie has been spending his time in the south with me. During his visit we have taken advantage of the fact and hired a professional photographer to do teaser concepts of Cage York with Addam.  This does not mean the movie is in production yet. It is simply early ideas for the readers to see while we work to get the movie in production.

​Which leads me to the many questions both Addam and I get on our social media every day. We don’t always have time to answer everyone so I decided to do a blog post with answers to your questions.

Here they are:

Q. Who is Eva?

A. We know who we want for Eva. She is also interested. However we have had to wait until we had a script that we were all happy with. I can tell you that the script is complete and it was so perfect it moved me to tears while reading it. So the casting for Eva will began very soon.

Q. Who is playing the other characters?

A. Like Eva we have our picks for the other cast. But yet again we have had to wait on a script that we knew would make readers happy and that actors would want to be attached to. As soon as we are settled on our Eva this will then fall into place.

Q. Have you started filming and when is the movie coming out?

A. We haven’t started filming yet. We hope to begin in November of this year. Anticipated release will be mid to late 2016.

Q. How did you choose Addam Bramich as Cage York?

A. There are many reasons behind this. The most important reason is that when I saw what he could do I knew he would fill the role perfectly. I created Cage York and I knew the persona he had to have to become him. Addam was that and more. I would also like to mention that Addam is the reason this book is even being made into a film. He read While It Lasts then started looking for a director who was interested because he loved the story and wanted to be a part of making it happen. He contacted me first. Before anyone.

Q. Why isn’t the guy on the cover of the book playing Cage?

A. This is simple. The guy on the cover is not an actor. He’s a model. He also has been photo shopped. His hair was a light brown and his eyes weren’t blue they were green. Most models on book covers are photo shopped to look like the character in the book.

Q. Addam is from Australia and can’t play baseball and his accent isn’t southern. How will he be Cage?

A. Addam is being coached by a former professional baseball player. He is a wonderful actor and by the time we film this movie he will look legit. Trust us. Baseball is also not the main part of this film. It’s a romantic film set on a farm. The baseball that will be in it is very small. As for his accent he is working with a voice coach who is fantastic and his accent is getting spot on. We have that handled too.

Q. Cage was half Indian. Addam looks nothing like him. Why?

A. You’re right. Cage had darker skin and hair. But what is more important is that Cage’s attitude and swagger are perfect. Addam has that down. His eyes are also incredibly blue like Cage’s. Finding the right actor for a part doesn’t always mean that they will look like the character’s description completely.

Q. Who is the producer? Director?

A. Our creative team is in place. They have directed and produced many films in the past and we are positive that this is the perfect set up to make While It Lasts exactly what I want it to be.