When I’m Gone Excerpt & Store Discount for Release Day!

Today is release day so Mase Colt-Manning is here! Share the following excerpt and discount code with your friends!



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“Don’t tell anyone, please,” she whispered, looking up at me.

            Did she actually think I’d do that? I ran a hand through my hair in frustration, forgetting it was pulled back in a ponytail. I had to help her. I wasn’t sure how I was going to manage that considering I had to go back to Texas in two days. That had been my stepfather on the phone. I was getting more horses to board. And I needed the income. I couldn’t not go home and handle this.
            “I would never do that. But I want to help you,” I told her, waiting for her to tell me no and try and make me leave. Instead her lips puckered up again like she was about to cry. Shit what had I done now?
            “You’re so … nice. Why are you so nice? I clean your sisters’ houses. You don’t know me, not really. But you open doors for me and you don’t act like I’m an idiot and you… want to help me?” She said the last bit on a choked sob. “No one can help me. You can’t fix what isn’t there. And my brain just isn’t all there.”
            Fucking hell.
            “Don’t say that again,” I warned her. I was done hearing her demean herself. I had seen intelligence shining in her eyes. “Your brain is fine.”
            Reese’s eyes flashed something I didn’t understand then a small smile tugged on her lips as she sniffled. “You’re really a nice man, Mase Manning. I don’t normally like men. They… make me nervous. But you… you’re different.”