Do you want an ARC of RUSH TOO FAR ? Yeah… thought so.

It’s time to get creative!

I have two ARCs of Rush Too Far to giveaway. I wanted to do something fun so I decided that it will all come down to who is the most creative. Below I have three quotes from Rush Too Far. Pick a quote and make a teaser photo with it. Then tweet the photo or share on Instagram or Facebook. Do all three and you get three entries. Requirements: *teaser must have the book title, author, and release date (May 6) on it. *you must tag me on Twitter, Instagram and/or Facebook so I will see it. *You must add the preorder link in your tweet, or share on Instagram and Facebook.

Here is an example ( This is my teaser. You have to make your own. The book cover doesn’t have to be included.) : 

Rush Finlay returns May 6 @abbiglines



QUOTES to choose from:

#1 . “I wanted her to know that she could climb into my arms, and I’d hold her tight whenever she needed me.” – Rush

#2.  “I just need you to love me enough. Please, Blaire. Love me enough,” – Rush

#3. “Keeping her away from me would save us both in the end.” – Rush

There you go! Choose a quote and make a teaser photo then share it online. On March 31- I will pick the two best teasers (with help from a panel of judges) and mail out the Rush Too Far ARC copies the next day.