The Writing Cave

Well the kids are back in school this morning and the house is quiet once again. I am going to finish up Because of Low and send it off to the editor. Then I will be able to put all my focus on Predestined. Once Predestined is complete and in edits. I am going to write a sequel to The Vincent Boys. At first I thought I’d write Sawyer a story but I’ve decided Beau, Ashton, and Sawyer still have story to tell. They will all be in college soon and so much can happen there. So, by the time July rolls around I intend to release the sequel to TheVincent Boys. Beau is just too well loved not to give him more story.

TODAY on Existence Facebook page I have posted an exclusive excerpt from Existence retold in Dank’s POV. It is one I’ve never posted anywhere else. You can read it here
I will be posting updates on Predestined and sneak peeks along the way while writing on the FB page so be sure to “like” it and keep up with what is going on.