The Vincent Brothers (The Vincent Boys #2) Cover & Summary Reveal

He may have given her up without a fight, but Sawyer Vincent is far from over losing the girl he’s been in love with all of his life. 

Release Date:  6/5/12

        Instead of giving up his best friend and the girl he thought he’d spend forever with, he gave Ashton and his brother Beau his blessing. However, adjusting to seeing Ashton wrapped up in Beau’s arms isn’t easy. Complicating everything even more, Ashton’s cousin Lana is in town for the summer. Sweet, kind, soft-spoken Lana, who gets under his skin. Just being near her makes him forget all about Ashton and his broken heart. Lana is everything he wanted Ashton to be except she isn’t Ashton. She lacks the backbone to stand up for herself and confidence that Ashton wears like a crown. 

     Lana McDaniel  has lived her life in her cousin’s shadow. While Lana struggled with her grades no matter how hard she tried, her mother praised Ashton’s intelligence. She hadn’t been blessed with Ashton’s blond hair and flawless skin, but that didn’t keep her mother from lamenting her naturally red hair and freckles. But none of that would have mattered if Ashton hadn’t always had Sawyer Vincent wrapped around her finger — the only boy Lana wanted. Once Ashton let Sawyer go, Lana had been so sure that he’d move on. Determined to make Sawyer finally see her, she’d talked her mother into letting her spend the summer with Ashton. But Sawyer is still in love with Ashton, and Lana isn’t going to be anyone’s rebound girl. No matter how yummy Sawyer Vincent’s kisses taste.

Quotes from The Vincent Boys #1
Beau Vincent: 

“I got my limits Ash and you studying my mouth like you want a taste is pushing me dangerously close to the edge of those limits.” 

                                                                      Sawyer Vincent:

“Are you aware I intend to marry her one day. What about you Beau, huh? You planning on marrying her. 
Moving her into your mama’s trailer. 
Maybe she could get a job working here with Aunt Honey once her parent’s completely cut her off.”
                                                                                             Lana McDaniel:
“I did that for you tonight not because I think what you’re doing is right or wrong but because I think you needed 
a wakeup call not a crucifixion,” 

                                                                        Ashton Gray:
“Right now. Right here. I’m yours. Not Sawyers. He isn’t who I want. Right now, all I want is you.” 

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If you haven’t read The Vincent Boys then what are you waiting for? You need to read it first and it’s now available in paperback.