The Vincent Brothers has been released for two days now. I’m thrilled with all the reviews and reactions to the sequel to The Vincent Boys. I knew Beau fans were unsure how they would feel about reading a story from Sawyer’s point-of-view but as I’d hoped they warmed up to that other Vincent boy too.
I am giving away a few signed copies of The Vincent Brothers and The Vincent Boys next week. To enter all you have to do is after reading The Vincent Brothers leave a review on Amazon and/or Barnes & Noble. You can keep up with other giveaways on The Vincent Boys Facebook Page Click Here to go LIKE
ONCE The Vincent Brothers hits 100 reviews on Amazon I will be posting a free bonus epilogue for Ashton and Beau. It will have their special ending and possibly a bonus chapter.
Art-By-Maryam has once again made me a happy girl with some art work. I love her stuff and she always has something for me with each new release. Love her!
The Vincent Brothers has had so many awesome reviews come through the past few days I can’t post links to them all. So, I picked a few of my favorites. I love reviews that make me smile and even laugh. Just click to go check these out for yourself and be sure to follow these blogs. They are awesome.
AND a couple reviews on Goodreads from some of my favorite authors. Made me go all fangirl while reading these.
I haven’t yet taken The Vincent Boys off the .99 sale just yet. I will be doing so soon. So, if you haven’t read the first book in this series you can get it now for a deal

The song that inspired The Vincent Brothers