The Vincent Boys Cover reveal and excerpt

Being the good girl isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Ashton Gray has grown weary of playing the part to please her parents, and to be worthy of the town’s prince charming, Sawyer Vincent. Maybe That’s why she’s found herself spending time with Sawyer’s cousin, Beau, while he’s away for the summer camping with his family. Beau is nothing like her perfect boyfriend. He’s the sexiest guy she’s ever seen, dangerous in ways she’s only day dreamed about, and the one guy she should stay away from. 
     Beau never envied Sawyer his loving parents, his big nice home, or his position as quarterback. He loves him like a brother. Which is why he’s tried everything in his power to keep his distance from Sawyer’s girlfriend. Even if he has loved her since the age of five, Ashton is Sawyer’s girl, so therefore she’s off limits. But when Sawyer leaves for the summer, Ashton, the one girl Beau would move Heaven and Earth for, decides she wants to get into trouble. Stabbing the one person who’s always accepted him and stood by him in the back, is the cost of finally holding Ashton Gray in his arms. Is she worth losing his cousin over?…. Hell Yeah.

Coming to Amazon and Barnes & Noble October 21, 2011

Read an excerpt from Beau’s POV:

I reached for my phone for at least the tenth time to call and cancel when Ashton’s Jetta spun into the gravel drive outside. 
I’d successfully fought off my good intentions just long enough for her to get here. This was bad. Hurting people isn’t something I have issues with, but hurting Sawyer? That’s out of the question. 
Ashton stepped out of her car wearing another short dress and carrying a plate of food. Watching the sway of her hips under the wispy fabric, as she made her way toward me, the corners of her mouth turned up in a shy little smile, I decided I didn’t care if I was being a dirtbag. Sawyer wasn’t here and I couldn’t seem to help myself. 
My cousin should have stayed his ass home.