The Face of Sadie

When I wrote Breathe, I never really stopped to think about who the characters in my story might resemble. I had an idea in my head but I didn’t study faces on the street and find people who I thought looked like Sadie or Jax. Their image was safely tucked away in my head. 
Then came the need for a book trailer. I watched hundreds of book trailers. Several didn’t give you actual images of the characters and I considered going that route but I didn’t like it. Not for this story. This was Sadie and Jax story. I needed people in this trailer. I needed a Sadie. Honestly it didn’t take me but five minutes to come up with the girl I knew would be the perfect Sadie. One girl stood out in my head. There wasn’t even a need for a list of possibilities. 
photo by Keith Glines 
This is a shot of her at the book trailer filming. She did an incredible job. 
Maybe I’ll leak a picture of Jax soon…..he was harder to find. But I found a great one!