That First Kiss

       It’s the month for love. Valentine’s Day is upon us. Candy hearts, chocolates, roses, and jewelry rein supreme. And in the spirit of the holiday the Paranormal Plumes are each taking one day leading up to Valentines and posting about their first kiss. OR in my case the first kiss that mattered. My first kiss wasn’t very memorable or enjoyable so writing about it seemed pointless. However, the first kiss that mattered happened my junior year of high school.
     The first time I met him, he had braces and sat quietly in the back of my fourth grade class. His mother worked for my mother. So therefore, he didn’t even rank on my radar screen. However, time changed things. Fast forward to my junior year of high school. The “brace face” in the back of the class was now the starting point guard on the basketball team and walked the halls of our high school with an obnoxious cocky strut. I hated him. He drove me crazy. He was so dang hot. 
     One afternoon, in my Chemistry class, I was moved across the room from my assigned seat because I wouldn’t shut up talking to the guy beside me. My teacher, being the comedian that he was, decided to put me beside Keith, the cocky point guard. The one who I couldn’t help but watch from afar and completely ignore if he ever thought I might be looking his way. My teacher actually said, “Take that seat beside Keith. We all know you won’t talk to him.” 
    Before that class was over, Keith had leaned over to me and said, “So, after the game Friday night why don’t you go out with me.” I was completely prepared to say, “Not on your life,” but instead replied, “Um, okay.”
    We won that game and he was in an excellent mood on our date. Everything about him surprised me. He was nothing like I’d expected him to be. It was the first time I’d laughed so hard that my side hurt on a date. Then came the moment he brought me home. It was the first time I’d ever seen Keith nervous. He always seemed so sure of himself. But the indecision was all over his face. Being the ever helpful person that I am, I took matters into my own hands and leaned in and kissed him. And being the ever talented romeo that he was, he took over. 
     Eighteen years later we are still going strong. Three kids, a mortgage, two cars, and wonderful memories make that one incredible first kiss. 

Sealed With a Kiss Line Up <3

February 1st Abbi Glines
February 2nd Tiffany King
February 3rd Shelly Crane
February 5th Amy Jones
February 6th Addison Moore
February 7th Carol & Adam Kunz
February 8th Courtney Cole
February 9th Nichole Chase
February 10th Fisher Amelie
February 12th Laura Elliott 
February 13th Michelle Muto
February 14th Michelle Leighton