Teen Rock Star vs Teen Movie Star- Celebrity Interview

Yesterday I sat down with two teenage heartthrobs outside the Beverly Hills mansion hardly ever inhabited anymore by rocker Jax Stone enjoying the view of his olympic size pool complete with a massive rock waterfall. Reid Alexander whose face is everywhere I turn these days, now that his acting career has sky rocketed, joined us while we discussed- girls, music, underwear, and strange um…uh… food habits. 


Do you two run in any of the same circles considering you are both very likely on the bedroom walls of every teenage girl in America? 
Reid: Sure, I know Jax. He’s awesome. Hey, man.
Jax: Hey, uh yeah we end up at many of the same events. But let me say I’m thinking I may be on more bedroom walls than Reid is *nudges Reid with his elbow and chuckles*
Reid: Yeah, dude, you just stay on the walls. *winks*
Jax: You’re right. Walls only. I got my girl. 

How do you handle relationships and the spotlight? 
Reid: Yeah, I don’t really do relationships. Let’s just say I haven’t found the right girl.
Jax: I on the other hand have found the right girl. Sadie is it for me. It’s not always easy managing my career and a relationship but she comes first.
Reid: *shakes head, smiling*
And what would the “right girl” be like? 
Reid: Okay, heh heh, I totally stepped into that one. Um, she’d be beautiful, of course. She’d like to party, wouldn’t get on my case about anything… wouldn’t play hard to get, but not be too easy, either.
Jax: *smirks* you may change your mind about the partying bit if you ever fall in love. For me it’s intelligent, hard headed, spunky, good sense of humor and of course blond, blue eyes and well, Sadie.

Is there a girl that got away? 
Reid: Isn’t there always?
Jax: Almost but I managed to fix that problem.
What do you miss about being average? What is something you want to do but can’t due to adoring fans?
Reid: I don’t really miss anything. I love my fans, and I love doing what I do. If there’s anything that’s difficult to do, well, that’s part of it and I accept that.
Jax: Going to the grocery store, the movies, or just walking down the beach with my girl. Those aren’t simple things I can do without major planning. Sure I can rent out an entire movie theatre but it takes away from the experience. I love singing and I love my fans but sometimes it would be nice to blend in. 
Reid: I don’t want to blend in. And the theater is in my house, across the hall from my bedroom. *smiles at Jax* Your girl might like that…
Jax: Hey now, where you going with that one? 
Reid: Your girl, your house, you… unless you’re up for a little competition?
Jax: Keep ten feet away from Sadie at all times. And I have a theatre at my house but I’m referring to the experience of going to a public one. Doing something normal, ya know? 
Reid: Joking, man, joking! I’ve seen how you two look at each other. It’s disgusting. *laughs* Nothing’s coming between that. And what’s abnormal about an in-house theater?
Jax: I’m not saying it’s abnormal it’s just isn’t… never mind. Moving on along. 
Where do you see yourself ten years from now? 
Reid: ten years? Well, I have no intentions of stopping what I’m doing now, or slowing down. I’m filming an action flick this fall, and thinking about taking on more serious roles… whatever keeps my career relevant. I don’t want to be stereotyped.
Jax: Surprisingly I feel much the same way. I intend to keep writing music and singing. However, I do intend to be married by then and possibly starting a family.
Reid: Whoa! *scoots away from Jax a bit* I’m just worried that’s contagious…*laughing*
Peanut butter or chocolate?
Reid:  That totally depends what you’re using it for. Sandwiches? Peanut butter. Body paint? Chocolate.
Jax: *Laughs* Dude you did not just say body paint. That’s hilarious. Me, I’m peanut butter. I do not intend to discuss body paint. Sadie would kill me.
Reid: Don’t knock it til you’ve…hmm. Wait. I’m getting a memory of a party a couple of years back… You and that model from Ukraine… *notices Jax’s expression* Ah… nevermind, that must have been my friend John.
Jax: *clears throat* Uh, yeah, um what’s the next question?
Rock or country? 
Reid: Rock. Alternative, indie, pop, anything cool. Country is frequently derivative.
Give me a country artist who’s doing something distinctive and original and I’ll listen to it.
Jax: And once again we agree. What he said. 
Boxers or briefs? 
Reid: C’mon now. What about keeping the mystery alive? Okay, okay. I prefer boxers, but I own both boxers and boxer briefs…. so I suppose the mystery is still alive.
Jax: boxer briefs, no mystery here. That one has already been plastered in magazines all over the world. Some maid at a hotel I was staying at stole a pair of them and sold them on eBay a couple years ago.
Reid: Ha! *bumps fists with Jax*
Jax: We might need to leave that out. Not sure if Sadie’s heard that one yet. 
Blond, brunette or red head? 
Reid: Yes.
Jax: yes? HA! That’s great. I’m going with blond. 
Star Wars or Indiana Jones? 
Jax: Indiana Jones
Reid: Paranormal Activity.
Football or Baseball? 
Reid: Basketball. Lakers, of course.
Jax: Baseball Yankees baby.
Reid: New York? I’m sure they loooove that in Alabama.
Jax: My dad’s from New York so I was raised a Yankee fan. Sadie doesn’t care much either way where sports are concerned so it’s all good.
Reid: Go ahead and add “Lakers fan” to that perfect girl inventory, because she’d be going to games.

Now if you’ve read Breathe you know all about Jax meeting Sadie and how she completely rocked his world. However, as settled down as the teen rock star is, things are much different for Reid. Find out exactly what’s in store for our movie star “player” in the third book of Tammara Webber’s Between the Lines series – Good For You

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What happens when you fall for the perfect guy…twice…in one day?

Brenna Blixen spent her freshman year homeschooling in Denmark; now that she’s back in the States, she’s determined to make her sophomore year unforgettable. And by unforgettable, she imagined awesome classes, fun friendships, and maybe a little romance.

What she got was a whole lot of romance, and all at once.

The same day that dark, brooding Saxon Maclean charmed her with his killer good looks and whip-smart wit, Jake Kelly stole her breath away with his heart-wrenching smile and intelligent, thoughtful focus.

But Saxon is a proud player who makes it clear that he doesn’t know why he can’t get Brenna off of his mind and out of his system, and Jake’s sweet and humble attitude hides a secret past life that might be darker and more complex than Brenna is willing to deal with.

Complicating the matter is the fact that Saxon and Jake were once best friends and are now arch-enemies…and the more Brenna finds out about their connection to each other, the more intrigued and worried she becomes.

Between keeping the peace with her lovingly over-protective parents, designing t-shirts for her high school’s rising punk band, keeping up her grades in classes split between academic and technical high school, and running the track like a maniac, Brenna has enough to worry about with out juggling two guys who make her heart thud and drive her crazy all at once.

She has to make a choice, but how is she supposed to do that when giving her heart to one of them might mean breaking the other’s?

                             Reid Alexander’s life is an open book. His Hollywood celebrity means that everything he does plays out in the public eye. Every relationship, every error in judgment is analyzed by strangers. His latest mistake totaled his car, destroyed a house and landed him in the hospital. Now his PR team is working overtime to salvage his image. One thing is clear—this is one predicament he won’t escape without paying for it. 

Dori Cantrell is a genuine humanitarian—the outward opposite of everything Reid is about. When his DUI plea bargain lands him under her community service supervision, she proves unimpressed with his status and indifferent to his proximity, and he soon wants nothing more than to knock her off of her pedestal and prove she’s human. 

Counting the days until his month of service is over, Dori struggles to ignore his wicked magnetic pull while shocking him with her ability to see past his celebrity and challenging him to see his own wasted potential. But Dori has secrets of her own, safely locked away until one night turns her entire world upside down. Suddenly their only hope for connection and redemption hinges on one choice: whether or not to have faith in each other.

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Now don’t you want one of those under your tree?

1. Laura A. H. Elliott author of Winnemucca & 13 on Halloween, Book 1 in the Teen Halloween Series
2. Bryna Butler, author Midnight Guardian series
3. Heather Self

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