Teaser Tuesday

This is my first Teaser Tuesday! The fact I’m excited about it makes me a dork but I don’t care.

This week I am reading Meant To Be by Tiffany King

We all paused about ten feet past the concrete wall. There was no mistaking the surge of electricity that seemed to shoot up through the sand and into our bodies. I looked at the astonishment on the other’s faces and knew I was wearing the same expression on mine. “This is insane,” I mumbled to Mark. “This whole week has been insane. First, we find out that the people we have dreamed about our entire lives really exist, and then we all end up in the same city, at the same time.”
Mark’s words did little to soothe me. What other surprises could we possibly discover? I thought to myself as I removed my flip flops.
You can buy Meant to Be on Amazon for only .99