Teaser Tuesday!

This makes twice I’ve remembered to do a “Teaser Tuesday”! I just finished Blood Like Poison by M. Leighton. It’s a fabulous vampire romance. It takes a different twist than many of the other ones I’ve read. No one shimmers but they do go invisible =) I enjoyed it so much that I stayed up two nights unable to stop reading. I’m completely in love with Bo. 

Excerpt from Blood Like Poison

My feet faltered and I slowed, creeping closer to the window. Just as I stopped in front of it, the intoxicating scent of Bo assailed me and I felt that bone-deep yearning that so often overcame me when he was near. 
“I’m here,” he said from somewhere outside my window.
“Did you just-“
I trailed off. Of course he did. How else would my window get raised?
“nothing,” I said.
I saw the screen pop out and then heard the shuffling sounds of him crawling through the window. I wondered about how he’d gotten the window up through the screen, but the thought was lost as soon as Bo started walking toward me. I couldn’t see him, but my nerves stirred with every step he took in my direction. It made the hairs on my arms stand at attention.
“I wanted to make sure you were alright,” he said coming to stand in front of me. 

Now run on along and buy it for yourself! 

What are you reading?