Teaser Tuesday

I read “Between the Lines” by Tammara Webber this past weekend and loved it! Thought I would give you a little teaser since I am currently rereading the Twilight series and I know no one needs a teaser from those 😉

From Reid’s POV: “A quarter after one, and I haven’t seen Emma in a few minutes. I’ve been keeping track of where she is all night, covertly. The one time we made eye contact, she was dancing with Quinton. They moved perfectly together, and she looked so hot I almost ditched the mindless pack of girls clustered around and asked her to dance right then. I opted to wait a little longer. Now, I’m rethinking that dimwitted decision, because she’s nowhere. Did she leave with some guy?”

The story is told in both Reid – the hottest teen actor currently on screen- and his newest leading lady Emma – who hasn’t done anything but commercials and made for TV movies- point of view. However, there is a third guy in the mix whose head we never get a peek into and he is yummy! Graham. You need to check it out. I loved it.