Q & A and Giveaways!

Today’s YA Indie Carnival is Q & A and TONS of giveaways!  I had the honor of asking Cheri Schmidt, author of The Fateful Series and Fair Maiden, five questions about her writing.
(Just a side note… I answered questions about my upcoming releases too. You can read it by going HERE)

1. What was your favorite scene to write in Fractured and why?

I think that would be the scene when Ethan used the fairies to give Danielle flowers. This is because my husband did something similar, but he used children because I guess fairies weren’t available. 😉 I thought it was sort of sweet and charming.

2. Do you have any interesting writing quirks you could share with us?

My characters talk to each other in my head. Should I admit that out loud? Hmm…

3. Who was your favorite character in The Fateful Series to write about?

Ethan has to be my favorite character. It was fun for me to imagine what sort of vampire a Victorian guy would be like. I figured he’d maintain a few personality quirks you see in old romantic men that many of the young guys today have lost, the gentlemanly type of stuff.

4. What was the first book you read over and over?

I’m not sure I recall the answer to that one. I think it was The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, or one of the Nancy Drew books by Carolyn Keene.

5.  What are you working on now and can you tell us anything about it… a blurb maybe?

I’m working on Forever, book 3 in the Fateful series right now. I hope to have it out this month. How about a short excerpt:

A pleased smile captured his lips as he braced his hands on the trees at either side of her and leaned toward her for a kiss. She could see her reflection in his glasses as well as the flirtatious twinkle in his eyes. But instead of matching his mouth with hers, he shoved her backward into the leaves and bluebells and landed on top of her. “What—?” was all she managed as the air whooshed out of her lungs before one of the guards shouted, “Pixies!”

That’s when she realized Ethan hadn’t intentionally knocked her down; he’d fallen into her when Merrick shoved him down. Looking just as surprised as she was, Ethan shifted so he wasn’t squashing her with his weight but maintained a protective position above her. He also looked for his glasses which had slid off as they fell and then bounced off her cheek before tumbling into the thick undergrowth.
Thanks Cheri for letting us in your head and giving us a peek at what to expect next! I can’t wait to get my hands on Fateful! I happen to have a thing for those sexy creatures of the fanged variety 😉

GIVEAWAY TIME:  [for people over 13, internationally]: Winners announced Sept. 16 at the next YA Indie Carnival. Just comment [incl. your email address] on any Q & A post ALL DAY TODAY and tweet the carnival [#yaindiecarnival] to win ebooks from the carnival authors: 
Kindle copy of The Understorey by Fisher Amelie 

Kindle digitally-signed edition of Winnemucca by Laura A. H. Elliott and a Winnemucca signed Coffee Mug. 

Kindle copy of Breathe by Abbi Glines along with an autographed canvas Breathe tote. 

Kindle copy of Solstice by PJ Hoover 

Kindle copy of Between by Cyndi Tefft 

Kindle copy of PineLight by Jillian Peery 

Kindle copy of Filter by Gwenn Wright. 

Kindle copy of Eternal Eden by Nicole Williams 

Kindle copy of Fallen Eden by Nicole Williams 

Kindle copy of Soul Quest by Amy Maurer Jones 

Kindle copy of Run and Hide by Patti Larsen (YA thrillers, 1 and 2 in a series of 4) 

Kindle copy of Fractured by Cheri Schmidt 

Kindle copy of Warriors of the Cross by T.R. Graves 

Kindle copy of Into the Ruins by Rachel Coles 

Be sure to check out the other YA Indie Carnival posts today for more chances to win! 
Dani Snell’s Refracted Light Reviews

Patti Larsen Author of The Ghost Boy of MacKenzie House, The Hunted Series and the Hayle Coven Novels.
Courtney Cole Author of Every Last Kiss, Fated, Princess, and Guardian. Also a contributing author in The Glassheart Chronicles.
Wren Emerson Author of I Wish and a contributing author in The Glassheart Chronicles.
Nicole A. Williams Author of Eternal Eden, and Fallen Eden. She is also participating in the Glassheart Chronicles.
Fisher Amelie Author of The Understorey, as well as a contributing author in The Glassheart Chronicles.
Laura Elliott Author of Winnemucca and the upcoming 13 on Halloween
Amy Maurer Jones Author of The Soul Quest Trilogy as well as a contributing author in The Glassheart Chronicles.
Rachel Coles. Geek Mom. Book Reviewer Author of Diary of a Duct Tape Zombie, Whistles, Beergarden, Plagues, Bees of St. John, and Mushrooms.
T. R. Graves T.R. Graves: Author of Warriors of the Cross.
Cyndi Tefft Author of Between
P.J. Hoover Author of Solstice, The Emerald Tablet, The Navel of the World, The Necropolis.
Alicia McCalla Author of the upcoming science-fiction novel Breaking Free
Heather Cashman Author of Perception
Cheri Schmidt Author of Fateful and Fractured