Preparations for The Vincent Boys Book Trailer

    After the success of the Breathe book trailer, I had some serious pressure on me to find the right actors for my main characters in The Vincent Boys. I went through so many options but finding Beau was proving to be impossible. Beau is the gorgeous bad boy who can’t just be portrayed by anyone. I almost threw out the idea of a book trailer for this book. The only thing that kept me searching was the fact I love this story. I wanted to film this book trailer if just so I could sit and watch it. Then the answer fell in my lap. I was sitting at my table staring out the window contemplating my options when the guy who cuts our grass rode by shirtless. Don’t get the wrong idea here because he also happens to be my husband’s MUCH younger brother. But as he rode by I realized he was my Beau. If only I could convince him of this. It took snagging an Ashton I knew he wouldn’t turn down to get him to agree. Tomorrow we film! I can’t wait =)