A New Year

I love January 1.

I always have. It’s my chance every year to start new. To have new goals and to focus on new things.

This year I have so many new things planned that I can’t wait to get to.

Each series of mine has new and exciting news!

The Rosemary Beach Series:

Many of you know that the Too Far books in this series have up until now been self published. However, in November I agreed to sign them over to Atria. I’m very happy with that decision as I have enjoyed working with Atria on the other Rosemary Beach books. The team there is amazing. So what does this mean? The covers are staying the same. Atria will use the same stock photos that were on the originals however they may do a few small changes to the font. Rush and Blaire will remain the same. March 4, 2014 Fallen Too Far will hit stores in print. Later the same month Never Too Far will also hit stores. In April Forever Too Far will hit stores and then in May…. RUSH TOO FAR will hit stores.

February 25, 2014 – GRANT GET’S HIS BOOK!  Take A Chance is the first of a two book deal for Grant and Harlow. One More Chance is their second book and it releases July 1, 2014.

Tripp will get his book December 2014.

The Sea Breeze Series:

Krit won over hearts in MISBEHAVING and not just readers hearts but mine as well. His book is next in this series. I will be revealing its name and a small blurb from it later this month. It releases April 1, 2014

Dewayne has been in every Sea Breeze book there is. You’ve asked for his book more times than I can count. Well, Sea Breeze #8 is Dewayne’s book. It releases  June 3, 2014 and more info on it coming this Spring.

So that’s SIX books from me so far in 2014…

But there is one more thing.

My Existence series is the only series I have that is paranormal. It is also more on the YA side of things. However, I am doing some changes to it and making it more of a NA read although keeping the same storyline. It will be rereleasing in the spring. All three with new covers. All three self published. All three with hot new content. And All three will be only $2.99 each.

I know the Existence fans were all “die hard” for the first Existence cover. However, now that Existence is no longer with Wild Child Publishing but once again mine I am changing the covers. Those models (however hot they may be) have been used a bajillion times. I am kind of sick of seeing them. So… here’s a sneak peek of what’s to come from the new covers…

Special THANK YOU to Najila Qamber Designs for the new covers!

Existence.v1 copy


YES all three books will be available in print this time around. So those who haven’t read the last book in the trilogy then you can soon.

And for those who haven’t read Existence here is a quote from one of my favorite characters in the series.

“I’m here to right a wrong. You broke a rule that can’t be broken. You can’t keep her, Death. She’s not a pet to play with. She’s a soul and your only claim to a soul is the fact you take the body it lives in when the time is appointed. You do not own the souls.” – Gee


I hope you all have an epic New Year. I believe 2014 holds the best for us.

Love you all!
