My Mail Box is full of questions, so here are the answers :)

This fall is going to be a busy time for my book releases. Readers are finding out about one or more of my books and sending me emails, Goodreads messages, Twitter direct messages, and Facebook inbox questions about many of the same things. I’ve answered everyone but I thought I’d address all those questions on a blog post in case anyone else is wondering the same thing.  If not, well then I’m telling you stuff you could care less about 😉

October 13: Breathe will come to paperback. It will be available on and Amazon. The stores it will be available at are limited and as right now I don’t have a list. I will be doing a few signings around the south this fall. Starting off in Savannah, GA.

October 21: The Vincent Boys will be released in ebook format on and Amazon. This is a story I wrote early this summer and decided that although it was a racy YA book I was going to release it anyway. I hired an editor suggested to me by an author who I trust and I am in edits right now. There is not a cleaned up finished copy available yet for me to give to reviewers. I have had several reviewers request it and I’m making a list. I will cap it off at fifteen. Oct 21 is the date I hope it will be ready but it may be a few days later. If this happens I will make sure to announce it on my site, Twitter, and Goodreads.

December: Existence will be released “hopefully before Christmas” that is the answer my publisher gave me. It all depends on the editor on how soon this happens. When I get a specific date I’ll let you know.  Existence is my first paranormal YA. YES the guy in the book is Death. I thought it would be a fun twist to write about a girl’s time being up and Death stalking her until he falls in love with her. It doesn’t hurt that Death is insanely hot. I also do not know the exact day I will have a cleaned up ready to go copy to give to reviewers. I have had several ask and there is a list for reviewers waiting on a copy of Existence. If you are interested in reviewing it on your blog contact me and I can add you to the list. Again it caps off at fifteen. The Teen Book Scene is hosting an  Existence book tour so most of the review copies will be going to the blogs involved in the tour. Also, I’ve had countless readers wondering if Existence will be available in print. Yes, eventually. Breathe was released as an ebook on May 17 and it has taken until Oct 13 for a print release.