My Favorite Author List

            Sometimes you will catch a book review on my blog but it isn’t often. Even though, I read three to four books a week. Trying new authors is also something I am a big fan of doing. 
        I do have my favorites. Don’t we all? I thought I’d share my top five favs over the next few weeks. They are by NO means in order. Just all equally in the top five. I had a hard time narrowing them down so I chose the top five by asking myself, “Who do I get all giddy with delight and lose sleep over when I know they have a new release coming out?” Easily five authors popped in my head. 
        I am going to kick it off with Jennifer Echols because she is an Alabama girl too. 
Two years ago, I sat on my couch with my lap top searching for a new book to read. I wanted an author I had never read before. Something new and fresh. I bought Jennifer Echols, The Boys Next Door. OMG!! It was one of those all nighters for me. I couldn’t stop reading. The next morning after getting a few brief hours of shut eye I grabbed my lap top and surfed on over to Barnes & Noble again. This time I bought, Major Crush.  A frenzy began. I got my hands on all the books she had out at the time and eagerly awaited each new release. Currently awaiting the release of Love Story. If you haven’t read her books then crawl out from under that rock and fall in love!
A quick “Abbi version” recap of my three favs by Jennifer
Boys Next Door: It’s summertime and Lori has decided to get the boy next doors attention. She sports off her new look and throws out all the stops but is she after the wrong brother….
Major Crush: She was once a beauty queen but now Virginia has put all her drive and ambition into becoming the drum major in her high school band. Sparks fly between her and the popular sexy  co-drum major who resents her…or does he?
Going Too Far: (FELL SLAP in LOVE with this one. I’ve read it three times) Meg is Hell bent on breaking the rules. Her wildly colored hair and bad attitude get her arrested. As punishment she has to spend her spring break riding in a cop car with her arresting officer every night who happens to be a  very young, sexy cop that she once sat near in class….
Okay those three are my favorites from Jennifer Echols. Although all her books are incredible!