My 2013 “subject to change” Book Release Itinerary

I have plans for several books this year. Not as many as last year. I went a little overboard with seven books in 2012. I am pulling it back to five this year. Right now I have my goals for release and the books I will be releasing on my bulletin board in my office. I have changed it a few times over the past month but I am pretty sure that I have the “for sure” books I intend to write down for this year.

Never Too Far is obviously the first book I will release this year. I don’t want a lynch mob at my house with fire and pitch forks 😉

Then… Woods from the TOO FAR series is getting a story. His story is playing out in my head so quickly and loudly I can’t shut it up. I have to write that one after Never Too Far. I can’t hold it off. It wants out. I will be releasing the description and cover the week of Valentine’s Day. There are a few bloggers who were gracious enough to offer to host the reveal on their blogs. AS A TREAT: when my Facebook Page gets to 13,000 likes then I will release a “tiny teaser” which is a picture along with a quote from the book.

The third book I release will be Cage & Eva’s sequel. I don’t have a specific release date for this one yet. Early summer.

The fourth book I release will be Jason Stone’s story (Jax from Breathe‘s younger brother. He also had a part in Just For Now). Late summer

The fifth book I release will be Grant’s  from the TOO FAR series. This fall.

HINT: there is a possibility that I start a whole new series in December. I just don’t know if I’ll be able to get it out or not. But there is another series coming… even if it is 2014 before book #1 comes out.

