MUSIC… free music

I have two completely different rockers in my books. 
In the Existence Trilogy I have Dank Walker. He is also Death. Sure, didn’t you know Death moonlighted as a rock star? Where have you been!?!? Of course he does. 

And now you can get the song he sings to Pagan in Existence and the song he sings in Predestined for free. 
Just click the links below:
Existence “Yet You Stay”
Predestined “Closer”

In my debut novel Breathe, Jax Stone is the world’s hottest teen rock star. He also has a song in his book written for a special girl. You can get it for free by clicking the link below:
Breathe “Don’t Cry”

Book Three in the Existence series- Ceaseless– will release 9/18/12. It will be the final book in the series and it will have one more Dank Walker song that Dank will record and make available.