Lockers are sure Not what they use to be….

     I remember the old metal rusty smell of my locker. There was some writing in the back that had been scribbled out by a black permanent marker. Normally if the janitor had seen fit to scribble it out then there were curse words involved. The “Jan Luvs Joe” stuff didn’t usually get covered up. It was innocent enough. I had a few pictures of my boyfriend and me taped to the inside of the door. A strip of photo booth pictures of me with my BFF’s (who I haven’t seen in over fourteen years now) also got a place of honor inside the blue metal box thats only purpose was to hold my junk. On game days, birthdays, and Valentines Day you would see decorations covering the outside of lockers. Then on occasion you would see nasty notes taped to the outside of a cheating boyfriends locker or the boyfriend thief’s locker. That was the extent of locker decorations. 
BUT OH. MY. Good gracious. Has that ever changed! 
This morning instead of going for my morning walk, relaxing with a cup of coffee and doing some #WW on Twitter I was at my daughter’s school. Wait for it…… DECORATING HER LOCKER! Yes you read that correctly. There was no special holiday or occasion for this event. Apparently the rusty graffiti walls of our youth are no longer acceptable to our children. They must have it looking like a flipping bedroom. Here are some photos of the insides of these lockers….

                                                  This one happens to be my Niece’s locker

Times sure have changed……