WHILE IT LASTS is optioned for film

I know I said I wouldn’t sign for one of my books to go to film. I wanted a TV series. I was afraid that they would change the story and ruin it. I did hold off for awhile. BUT since the Sea Breeze series is coming to an end, I considered this option when it was placed before me. I wanted to see my characters on the screen.

Now what do we do?

Well, we wait. But while we are waiting, tweeting about it online using the hashtag #WhileItLastsMovie will help build the buzz needed to get this thing moving. Plus it will enter you to win signed books (see below).

You can also follow the actor who is signed on to play Cage York on Twitter:  @Addam_Bramich and Instagram: @Addam_Bramich1

IF you haven’t read While It Lasts… then I’m thinking you should 😉 http://svmclients.net/abbiglines/sea-breeze-series/while-it-lasts/

IF you have read While It Lasts comment below with your favorite quote. Then Tweet the quote using the hashtag #WhileItLastsMovie or share it on Facebook. I will be choosing 10 winners randomly over the next two weeks who have tweeted a quote using the hashtag or posted it on Facebook or Instagram with that hashtag. Each winner will get a signed copy of While It Lasts and Sometimes It Lasts. One winner will get the complete Sea Breeze signed set.

Go share some WHILE IT LASTS love.
