Kids Just Might be Smarter than their Parents.

      Sometimes your kid “schools” you. The older mine get the more it’s happening. I remember thinking I knew more than my parents when I was a kid. Then I became a Mom and realized my parents knew a lot more than I gave them credit for back in the day. However, I’m beginning to realize that the kid has more knowledge than the parent in many ways. Sounds crazy because of all that “wisdom comes with age” stuff you hear and begin to believe over the years. Me…. I’m not so sure I put much stock in that anymore. What if kids have knowledge that adults can never have because somewhere along the way we lose it. Follow me here…. 
    If you hear something enough you begin to believe it. I don’t care who you are. Well, as kids we believe for much bigger things than adults. We put our faith in things adults see as silly and wasteful. Then we hear how pointless it is, we have a few set backs and before we know it we agree with them. We have become an adult. The childhood knowledge has left us. 
    Yesterday afternoon I was talking with my son who is the oldest of my three kids at twelve. He loves football with a passion. I don’t know why because his dad isn’t a football guy. It was just born in him I guess. The thing is though, my son is not a big kid. I held him back from football for years scared of him getting hurt. Finally, last year I gave in and let him play. He loved every second of it. Even the cuts and bruises he wore like a badge of pride. I listen to him talk about going to play football one day at the University of Alabama and I mentally cringe. Unless the kid has a major growth spurt I do not see how that is possible. But being a good mom I try real hard to keep my mouth shut. Anyway yesterday he was talking football again and how he was going to play in college one day. I had a weak moment and I said, “You know there are other ways you could go to Alabama. You could get a scholarship in other things. To play at Bama you would need to be really big.” He frowned a moment then looked at me and said, “Mom, size doesn’t matter. It’s determination and heart. If you want something bad enough you can make it happen. If you listen to people talk then you’ll never make it. I don’t care what anyone says. Besides who needs size. They won’t be expecting me to run their tails over. I have an edge.” 
Tears burned the back of my eyes and I had to swallow several times before I responded. “You’re right son. Don’t let anyone change your beliefs.” 
      Why do I love YA fiction? Because the dream is still alive. Age and bitterness hasn’t killed hope yet. Kids might not have the wisdom that comes with age but they have something greater… the wisdom that comes with faith.