I’ve been Tagged!


I’ve been tagged!  Thanks to Katie from Katie on Fiction, who I might add gave me the fabulous idea to give away a Barnes  & Noble gift card. Go check out her website FAST because after just a few more followers her B&N card is being given away. 
This tag is a sort of getting-to-know-you tag. So here we go…

1- Do you think you’re hot?
LOL! NO! Not by a long shot.

2- Upload a picture or wallpaper you are using at the moment.
um….it is of my three kids so not real comfortable doing this one. 

3- When was the last time you ate chicken?
Last night on a buffalo chicken pizza before taking the kids to a movie.

4-The song(s) you listened to recently.
Trace Adkins- “Just Fishing”

Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow- “Picture”
Those are the only two I can remember. I’ve been in the car for four hours. 
5-What were you thinking about as you were doing this?
The fact I really need to work on my current manuscript. I’ve been out of town.
6-Do you have nicknames? What are they?
Abbi is a nickname. My real name is Abigail. “Mom”  and “H-O-N-E-Y” (note: the last one is used when I have spent too much money on books)
7-Tag 6  blogger friends 
Carly Jayne: A new blogger I have recently started following on Twitter. She reviews YA books! Check her out.
Sarah Gilman: Check out her blog and her new book  SIMPLY THRILLING
Jessica Sorensen: Author of The Fallen Star series. Check out her blog for more info!
Writing Jewels: YA writer on the road to getting published. 
Marilyn Almodóv: YA writer on the road to getting published. 
Kasie West: Her debut novel PIVOT POINT is being released by Harper Teen in 2012