Happy Anniversary BREATHE (and me)

Two years ago today my first “baby” was released into the world. I had hoped that I could sale at least one hundred copies. If one hundred people read my book then it would have been worth it. That was my ultimate goal.


What did happen was not what I expected.

Now looking back at the past two years I feel incredibly blessed and humbled. I can’t imagine doing anything else. I LOVE writing books and sharing the stories in my head. I LOVE even more that there are readers out there who want to read those stories.

As most of you may have heard, BREATHE will be rereleased June 4 through Simon Pulse. I’m excited about this release because Breathe has been kicked up a notch. I’ve added steamier scenes and Jax gets to tell his point of view too. It now fits in the Sea Breeze series better than it did before. In honor of this day I have a small sneak peek into the new and improved Breathe:


Chapter Five



            I had to stay away from her. That had been too much too close. I wasn’t someone that could do relationships and Sadie wasn’t the kind of girl that could do a summer fling. Even if I wanted to get a taste of her so damn bad it was driving me crazy.

I stood at the window in my bedroom and looked down into the backyard. I could pretend I was staring out at the ocean but I wasn’t. I was watching her. I was always watching her. But this time I would keep my distance. I couldn’t spend any more time with her. That would only lead to problems. Maybe I’d be leaving Sea Breeze a few times this summer after all. Even if it was just to get a break from being near something I wanted and couldn’t have.

The door to my room opened and in stepped Jason without knocking. I glanced back at him then stepped away from the window. I’d been expecting him to arrive today.

“You made it.”

He nodded and let out a weary sigh. “Yeah. Almost waited a few more days but I decided you needed to get out of this house and live a little and if I wasn’t here you’d stay hidden away. All alone.”

He knew me well. I liked being alone. I didn’t get that enough. “I spoke with mom. Let me know if she starts bothering you.”

Jason smirked and sank down in the large leather chair that sat in the corner of my room. “You might be a rock star that the world bows at your feet but our mother doesn’t care. She won’t shut up for you.”

He was right. But I could throw out enough threats to keep her quiet for short spans of time. “Never underestimate my power,” I replied grinning. I was glad he was here. Jason was the only friend I had. If it hadn’t been for him keeping me level headed I’d probably be one of those teen rock stars strung out on crack. Jason never let me forget who I was.

“Getting to your head big brother. Tone it down would ya? Me and that big ego of yours can’t fit in this room at the same time.”

I laughed and glanced back out the window just in time to see Marcus approach Sadie. He made her laugh. It bugged me. Jerking my gaze back toward my brother, I pushed all thoughts of Sadie away. I needed something else to focus on. “Hey, you want to have a party?” I asked Jason.

“Always,” he replied.


I also have two paperbacks and one hardcover of the not yet released Breathe to giveaway! You can win a signed copy before it’s even in stores. Just fill out the rafflecopter below.



a Rafflecopter giveaway