You got questions – I got answers

Your Rosemary Beach questions answered

Since the release of TAKE A CHANCE on Tuesday I have been getting asked many of the same questions. I realized these were popular questions and decided to do a post concerning them.

Is this a series?

Yes. Take A Chance is book #6 in a series. It is the FIRST book for this couple. So it can stand alone. However, if you want to read about all the characters in Rosemary Beach you need to read them in this order:

Fallen Too Far

Never Too Far

Twisted Perfection

Forever Too Far

Simple Perfection

Take A Chance

Will Mase Manning get a book?

Yes. I loved him when I wrote him into Take A Chance. He will be getting two books in 2015. The first one will release in early 2015.

Is there another book for Grant and Harlow?

YES! One More Chance is their second book. It releases September 2. No I can’t release it early because I have no control over that. I wish I could. The publisher determines this date. Me writing faster is not the issue.

Are we getting more Rush?

Yes. Rush Too Far will be released May 6 and it is Rush’s point of view from Fallen Too Far. There is so much you didn’t know in Fallen Too Far because you only got Blaire’s side of the story. What was happening with Rush and in his head you had no idea. Soon you will.

Is Bethy getting a book?

Tripp is getting a book this December 😉 Does that answer your question?

Will Woods get another book?

No. His story is complete. You will however see him and Della in other books and see how they are doing.

What about Thad? Do we ever really get to know him? Will he get a book?

This is a good question. I don’t know. I’m thinking about it.

What about Captain? Will you put him with Nan?

Hell no. I like Captain. He’s Blaire’s brother. I would never do that to him! LOL. As for giving him a story… maybe. Not sure.

 I want to see more of Rush and Blaire! Will we?

Rush, Blaire and Nate show up a lot in Take A Chance. They do in One More Chance too. You will always see them in other couples books… and just maybe this Christmas they will have a free novella -just for them.