Existence Release Day!

Well the day has finally come. Existence is out there for the world to read. I thought on the day of it’s release I’d share a little about the idea and where the series is going. Since I did leave everyone with that “WHAT?!” last sentence. 

           YA contemporary romance is what I typically read so therefore it’s what I thought I’d always write. However, I began dipping my toes into the paranormal books and decided it might just be fun to write a paranormal romance. There are so many fantasy elements out there I wasn’t sure which one I wanted to go with. Then the idea of personifying “Death” came to me. I like stories where “Death” is more than an event in life but an actual being. 
          The name “Dank” wasn’t a name I randomly made up. Dank was actually my uncle’s name. He drowned at the age of sixteen. I’ve always thought his name was unique. And Death shouldn’t have a common name. He is the ultimate of “unique” so I thought using my uncle’s name would be fun. 
         The name “Pagan” actually has a purpose. I can’t explain that right now because it would spoil things for you in the next book. I haven’t released the name or cover for the next book in the Existence series but I can tell you this will be a trilogy.  The cover and name reveal for book #2 will be released after the first of the year. Possibly even on New Year’s Day. Not sure yet. 
         In Existence you get to see how Death AKA Dank meets Pagan. How Lief becomes a part of her life and the circumstances of her childhood. It sets the scene and the love story for what is to come in the next two books. YES I do leave you hanging at the end of Existence BUT the conflict in this book is resolved. I just wanted you to have a peek as to where book #2 is going. I wouldn’t call it a cliffhanger per say because you do get closure to the major issue throughout the book. 
         I am currently writing book #2. All the main characters in Existence will return. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. 

 NOW in celebration of Existence birthday: the first ten people who email me at abbiglines@yahoo.com with their mailing address will receive a signed glossy 5×7 card of Existence with Death’s POV on the back.