Existence is coming sooner than planned…..

Yesterday was extremely exciting! I was informed by my publisher that we were going to work hard for a December 2011 release date for Existence
I’m thrilled, even if I did stay up all night revising a few things before I handed it over to my editor. I’m excited about the revisions and I can honestly say I’m looking forward to edits. I love seeing my work all cleaned up. 
One of the main things I revised was my DIALOGUE! HA! Reviewers I do read what you say, good or bad. I am determined to learn from the bad and make the next one better each time. You’ll find the dialogue in Existence to have more “conjunctions” and be less “formal” and more easy to read. See, told you I read all reviews and take notes. I care what readers think. Especially the ones who actually enjoyed the story but had a few complaints. 
The two main characters in Existence are very different. Pagan Moore has a mom like most of us do. She isn’t a spoiled brat like Sadie’s mom,  Jessica, in Breathe. Dank is dark, edgy and mysterious. He keeps you guessing. He doesn’t do “cheesy” moments. 
I’m currently working on another YA contemporary and it’s just about ready to send off. I’m revising and editing it now. Marcus story will be my next project then Existence needs a sequel. I won’t be running out of ideas anytime soon.
OH! One more thing. Breathe is coming to print. It will have a new cover that I can hopefully show you soon. Stay tuned =)