Existence excerpt – retold in Dank’s POV

Fear hung heavy in the air. Pagan was unaware I’d followed her home. She didn’t trust my promise to keep her safe. That simple truth infuriated me. Feeling fear was a part of my life. My presence created fear. I was immune to the familiar bitter taste it left in my mouth. But Pagan’s fear bothered me. I didn’t like it. 
I stood in her doorway watching as she nibbled on her bottom lip nervously. This was not how it was supposed to be. I’d saved her from death. Fear shouldn’t be an emotion she had to deal with anymore. 
“What’s wrong?” I asked. Her scream died almost instantly as her eyes focused on me.
“Dank,” she gasped pressing her hand against her heart. I could hear it racing inside her chest from across the room.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize you were so wound up about this.” I walked into the room, watching her closely as she sank back down onto the bed she’d jumped up from when I’d startled her. 
“Well excuse me if strange souls showing up in my house, talking to me and touching me freak me out a little.” She shot me an accusatory look, “Then, I ask you about it and you curse into the darkness and get all angry.”
Damn. It always came back to this. She wanted to know too much. Things I couldn’t tell her. I needed to keep her safe. Knowledge was dangerous. Needing to be near her, I sat down beside her on the small bed. The smell of honey warmed me. Her hair always smelled completely edible. 
“I’m sorry about that. I shouldn’t have scared you that way.” 
“Well, can you tell me what is happening, who she is?” 
I  shook my head turning my eyes away from her. If I let myself look into those pleading dark pools of hers, I’d cave. “No, that’s the only thing I can’t do for you. Ask me anything else in the world, Pagan, and I’ll make sure it’s yours but that I cannot do.” 
She sighed and sat up straighter, “Why’re you here, then?” 
Because they were trying to fix what I’d done. They wouldn’t just leave it alone. I was Death. I could decide to allow life. It was my choice. I made it my choice. But I couldn’t tell her any of that. 
“Until I know everything is fine…until I take care of what must be done, I’ll be spending the nights here in your room.” I turned my eyes back to hers and held her gaze. I wanted her to understand that she had nothing to fear.  
“I have to protect you,” I paused then motioned toward the door, “If you want to take that shower, I’ll make sure you’re completely safe while you do so.”
Relief came over her face then a small frown quickly replaced it. “Can you read my mind?” 
She didn’t want me reading her thoughts. Interesting.  “Not exactly. It’s more like I can feel your fears so strongly I can hear them.” 
She studied me for a moment as if remembering something that confused her. 
  “You heard me in the cafeteria when you were with Kendra, I wasn’t scared then.”
Ah, yes I felt her fear that day. I’d reveled in that fear. Knowing she cared about the blond flirting with me eased the ache in my chest caused from the sight of her snuggled up against Leif’s side.
“You weren’t?” I asked unable to keep the smirk off my face. 
Her face turned an adorable shade of red before she spun around and rushed out of the room.