Been there…done that

Hello Author,

This letter is for you. I’m about to embark on my third year as a published author and I’m still a baby to this profession. However, I’ve learned a few things the hard way. I try to ignore watching others make some of the same mistakes I did and for the most part I’ve kept my mouth shut.

If you decide to read this blog post then you’ve been warned I’m about to give you my opinion.

The world of indie authors is like living in a small town where everyone knows your name.  Even if you’re new the moment your book hits the Amazon 100 you’re known by the “young” and “old”.

In a perfect world everyone would congratulate you and be happy for you. In a perfect world the other authors who know how amazing it feels would celebrate along beside you. The authors still hoping to achieve this goal would be thrilled that you made it and hope that one day they know what it feels like too.


This world ain’t perfect, babe. Not by a long shot.


The competition is fierce. Jealousy is rampant and the gloves are off. Am I pointing fingers? Hell, no! I did it too once. I got caught up in this tangled mess that gets you nowhere. I let competition and bitterness control me so that I made bad decisions.

BUT I didn’t do it for long. I stepped back and saw what I was becoming and I faced my wrongs and apologized for them. I did what I could to fix it and make up for my shitty behavior. Then I swore to myself, I would change.


Well for a number of reasons, which is where my advice comes in…


  1. Readers like to read books. They don’t just want to read books by one author. They like a variety. So, guess what, there is room for everyone. I know readers who read ten books a week. Every week. Take a deep breath and know this pool has room for more.
  2. Other authors understand where you are and what you’re going through more than anyone else in your life. They aren’t your enemy. They can be your very best friends. You’re gonna need them because your old best friends don’t get what your life is like now. No one does… but other authors.
  3. You are now an author… not a reviewer. At least not anymore. You now know how hard it is to write a book. You’ve gone through your own blood, sweat, and tears to get your baby published and it wasn’t easy. You respect others who have done the same. You don’t critique their work. Dude… it’s just wrong.
  4. Gossip is just that… gossip. Run the hell away from it.
  5. That monthly paycheck you watch Amazon KDP for daily, praying it hits that amount you need each month… guess what… other authors are doing that too. They need money to survive too. They have families too. They have a dream too.
  6. People will hate you no matter what. You’ve put yourself out there. Accept it. Deal with it and ignore it. BUT  DON’T join it. BE KIND to those who aren’t kind to you. There is a reason they don’t like you. It may be an unfair reason but there is a reason. Show them you’re not a bad person. You want to be their friend. There is no reason for enemies here, folks. No reason at all.
  7. Posting a Facebook status about the injustice done to you isn’t cool either. I know this because I’ve done it. YEP! Told you I made mistakes. I made several. This was one of them. I am telling you no matter how innocent it may be and how you feel like you need to explain your actions – DON’T. Because your readers love you and they will fight for you. You don’t want to unleash your devoted fans on someone else. It won’t make you feel better. It’ll make you feel like shit. Because… see #5. That applies here.
  8. Lastly, because I decided to write books because I love to tell stories. I didn’t want to become the president of the drama club. I just wanted to share the stories in my head with others and yes I wanted to make money doing it. I wanted to be a writer. That was the reason I started this. YES I make money. I won’t apologize for it. I’m blessed and humbled that people read my stuff. I still fan girl over my favorite authors and I babbled and got all tongue twisted meeting Madeline Sheehan it is a wonder the woman isn’t scared of my fan girl issues.


I probably shouldn’t have just said all this but I see authors make the same mistakes I’ve made and I cringe. I want to stop them and I want everyone to just get along. I’m not a fighter. I don’t like people being mad at me or disliking me. And I don’t want to see others make mistakes they regret.

Remember… that person that you think you “hate” just may be one of the best friends you’ll ever have if you give them a chance.

We are all human.

Humans who all love the same thing… to tell a good story and have someone enjoy it.

