Death’s POV

               A scene from Existence retold in Dank’s point of view.

The only explanation was the kid must be an idiot. When Pagan wasn’t looking his way he pathetically ogled her. Then when she glanced over at him,  he acted as if he hadn’t just two seconds ago been panting after her like a damn dog. If it wasn’t for the incredibly odd possessive streak I felt toward the girl, I’d make him see the error of his ways. I didn’t like the fact she wanted his attention. I sure as hell wasn’t going to help him out. Watching the disappointed little frown on her mouth made something inside me stir. I couldn’t place it exactly because it was a new emotion. Not anything I was familiar with. 
Pagan tugged her book bag up higher on her shoulder as she pushed through the bodies of students filling the halls. I couldn’t stand by and watch her so unhappy. Instead of staying in the background shadowing her like I’d been doing for weeks in order to ease the strange tightness in my chest only her absence could provoke, I spoke up.
“Don’t look at him next time. It’ll drive him crazy.” 
Her eyes flicked a quick glance over at me but she didn’t miss a beat. I didn’t like it that her scowl deepened. Granted most people weren’t crazy about me but I wanted Pagan to like me. Admitting that simple fact was humbling and it bugged the hell out of me. She stopped in front of her locker still ignoring me even though I made sure she could see me. 
“He’s trying to play hard to get. Kind of proves what a child he is, but I can see it’s bothering you.”
“I’m not bothered,” she responded through clenched teeth and opened her locker. 
“Yes, you are. There is this little wrinkle between your eyebrows that appears and you nibble your bottom lip when something bothers you.”
That got her attention. She froze and turned her head slowly to peek at me through her cascade of dark hair. It reminded me of silk. I liked silk. Especially dark silk. The scowl was gone and an odd feeling of accomplishment washed over me. I’d been the one to cause that tiny smile forming on her lips. Why did something so simple make me feel like a freaking king? 
“You’re missing the public display of affection across the hall between your two buddies. They may need you to throw a bucket of ice water on them.” 
I’d barely glanced over at Miranda and Wyatt. All I could see when Pagan was around was… well… Pagan. But I knew making a joke about her friend’s constant grope session would make that tiny smile break out into a full fledge grin. 
“There that’s better. I like it when you’re smiling. If the football kid keeps making you frown I’m going to take matters into my own hands.” 
Did I really just say that? I was going to have to watch my words. Before she could respond, I faded away. I wasn’t about to answer to that minor slip of the tongue. She couldn’t see me any longer although I hadn’t moved. Her shoulders lifted and fell back down as she let out a loud frustrated sigh. She turned to walk toward her next class and I was glad she couldn’t hear my laughter. I’m positive my amusement at her frustration wouldn’t please her. But damn that girl fascinated me.