Day One Winner … s

Yesterday on Abbi’s first day of Christmas I gave away a $50 Amazon gift card. However, after asking readers what their #1 wish for Christmas was I realized there were a few I could easily grant. So… there is ONE winner of the Amazon gift card. BUT the readers whose wish I could grant I intend to do that too.

PAULA GRIFFITH – You wished for Misbehaving* for Christmas and that is a gift I can grant. 

AMELIA L. BOOR- You wished for all my books you don’t have. Give me a list and I can grant that wish for you. 

SIERRA TERRELL- You wished for Misbehaving* for Christmas and I can grant that wish. 

JESSICA- You wished for the boxed set of the Sea Breeze series and I can grant that wish. 

MELISSA CONWAY- You wished for the paperback copies of the Sea Breeze series and that is a wish I can grant. 

ELIZABETH HORBACZEK- You wished for the Sweetest Game by J Sterling. Well, J Sterling will grant your wish and after it’s released she will be signing you a copy and personalizing it to you. 

CHRISTI RICHARD JUDICE- You wished for all my books for Christmas… done 🙂 

GWEN LUTZ- You wished for more of my books. I can do that! 

ASHLEY AKINS- You wished for a copy of Simple Perfection by me and Beautiful Wedding by Jamie McGuire. I will be signing you a copy of Simple Perfection and Jamie McGuire will be signing you a copy of Beautiful Wedding and granting your wish. 

SAMANTHA- You wished for everything Colleen Hoover has written. Colleen will be signing all her books for you and granting this wish. 

SARAHAGEE- You wished for Misbehaving* and I can grant that wish for you. 

PATRICIA WILSON- You wished for an I Love Woods t-shirt. I can grant that wish. 

KAREN ZI- You wished for my book Sometimes It Lasts*. I can grant that wish. 

BRANDI AUSTIN- You wished for  Beautiful Wedding by Jamie McGuire. Jamie will be signing you a copy and granting that wish for you.

There were so many Christmas wishes I would love to grant. So many beautiful wishes. I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who has a loved one serving our country. You give up so much and this holiday each and every one of you are in my thoughts. 

Now… there was one wish that hit close to home for me. I didn’t write my first book until I was 32 years old. Why? Because I didn’t have a laptop to write it on. I had tried writing it in notebooks but that was hard and I never finished. It wasn’t until my husband gave me a laptop for Christmas that I finally sat down and wrote Breathe. It changed my life.

EMILY BAUGH- your wish is to get a laptop for Christmas so you can write your books. I was that person once. I remember how that felt. I also remember the powerful feeling of holding a computer in my hands knowing I could do it now. No more excuses. So, I want to do that for you. A MacBook Air will be shipped to you from Apple once I have a shipping address. My only request is that you write that book. Follow that dream.

THE $50 AMAZON GIFTCARD goes to…………



*THOSE OF YOU WHO WON MISBEHAVING or SOMETIMES IT LASTS those books are  ebook only until this summer. So I will need the email address that you want me to gift the ebook copy to. 

**THOSE OF YOU WINNING PAPERBACK COPIES FROM ME I will sign and personalize those books for you. Please let me know who you want them to be personalized to. 

Be sure to enter to win today’s giveaway!