September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month. During September all proceeds from my online store will go directly to Children’s Cancer Research Fund. You can help too by visiting their website and buying products from stores and restaurants that are donating a percent of their proceeds during September to cancer research.
As a mother I want to know everything possible is being done to save children’s lives from this terrible disease. You can visit my online store HERE.
Be sure to share the website http://bit.ly/kidscancerawareness with the hashtag #GoGold this month on your social media.
From the Children’s Cancer Research Fund:

Each year in the United States approximately 15,780 children between the ages of birth and 19 years of age are diagnosed with cancer.
Globally there are more than 250,000 children diagnosed with cancer each year. Every 3 minutes, somewhere in the world a family hears the devastating words that their child has been diagnosed with cancer. While survival rates for many types of childhood cancer have improved, for too many children, cancer will shorten their lives too soon. Cancer remains the most common cause of death by disease for children in America.