Category: Excerpt

Because of Lila Excerpt & Contest

Here is an excerpt from Because of Lila and your chance to win a signed copy when the paperback releases in a few weeks! Share this blog post with your friends on social media with #BecauseOfLila for your chance to win. Prologue The same. Every get together was always the same. The people and the […]

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Cover Reveal for Lila Kate

Excerpt and cover reveal… Prim, proper, classic good girl, and her least favorite label – icy. Lila Kate Carter has heard them all. The last one, being the newest. She is not icy. She just doesn’t care for Cruz Kerrington and his spoiled, selfish, careless ways. That doesn’t make her icy, that makes him a jerk! Tired of being labeled […]

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Excerpt!!!! Boys South of the Mason Dixon

The excerpt is ready to go and ready to be shared! Share this post on your social media for a chance to win a Kindle Oasis. Don’t forget the hashtag #BSOTMD in your post so we can find your submission! Winner will be announced this Friday, May 12!   AMAZON – iBOOKS – BARNES & […]

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Release Day Contest & “Like A Memory” Excerpt

Release Day is here! Sea Breeze finally meets Rosemary Beach and to celebrate the anticipated release of “Like A Memory” we are going to have a contest. Win a signed copy of “Like A Memory” and a $50 Amazon gift card! All you have to do is share this blog post on all your social […]

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Once She Dreamed – Cover Reveal

Once She Dreamed – Cover Reveal   Everyone in the small country town, Sammy Jo Knox had been born and raised, never left. They made their life there. Got married, had kids, lived in the same houses that were always there along the streets that never changed. The whole white picket fence and tree swing […]

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Up In Flames Excerpt & ARC Giveaways

Nan I turned to look up at him again but before I could speak he was in front of me pressing me against the wall. The heat from his body sent shivers over me as he grabbed my waist and inhaled sharply. “God, you’re fucking killing me,” he whispered then his mouth was on mine […]

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Rosemary Beach Giveaway – The Best Goodbye

Leading up to the much anticipated release of Up In Flames, I’ve been giving away books from the Rosemary  Beach Series. Each week through my social media accounts I am giving away a different book or set of books from my Rosemary Beach Series. That means you have 5 Chances to win each week. (Please note: prize winners are […]

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Rosemary Beach Giveaway- When I’m Gone and When You’re Back!

  Leading up to the much anticipated release of Up In Flames, I’ve been giving away books from the Rosemary Beach Series. Each week through my social media accounts I am giving away a different book or set of books from my Rosemary Beach Series. That means you have 5 Chances to win each week. (Please note: prize […]

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Up In Flames Excerpt- The Beginning

Nan Men pissed me off. In my experience, they always wanted something from me but it was never really me they wanted. I knew it without giving them more than a moment of my time. When they looked at me, they saw “daughter of a rock star” and “money.” Most of them were just hoping […]

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