Callum & Harper “The 25 Day Tour of Bad Aces”

Life sucks for orphans Callum Tate and Harper Bailey.
Kicked out of their foster homes because they suffer the ‘eighteen disease’ with nothing but a hundred dollar check from the government and a pat on the back, they’re forced to rely on a system that failed them miserably.
So they sit. They sit inside Social Services, waiting for their social workers to call their names and offer them the miracle they know will never come but they sit anyway because they have nowhere else to go, no other options on their very literal and figurative empty plates.
But as they sit, they notice the other. Although captivated, they each come to the conclusion that life is complicated enough without throwing in a boiling tension that can’t ever be acted upon because they’re both too busy thinking about where their next meal will come from but when their names are called and both are placed on a year long waiting list for permanent housing, suddenly relying on each other seems like a very viable plan B.
And, oh, how lovely Plan B’s can be.
Well, except for the psycho from Harper’s past that haunts her and, oh, yeah, there’s the little issue that neither of them knows they’re in love with the other.
Needless to say, Callum & Harper’s life just got a bit more complicated.
“One day, you and I are gonna’ wake up and be alright. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but one day. One day. I promise you.” – Callum Tate
Fisher Amelie resides in the South with her kick ace husband slash soul mate. She earned her first ‘mama’ patch in 2009. She also lives with her Weim, ‘Jonah’, and her Beta, ‘Whale’. All these living creatures keep the belly of her life full, sometimes to the point of gluttony, but she doesn’t mind all that much because life isn’t worth living if it isn’t entertaining, right?

Fisher grew up writing. She secretly hid notebooks and notebooks of dribble in a large Tupperware storag container in her closet as a kid. She didn’t put two and two together until after college where it suddenly dawned on her,
“Hey, I like writing”. She’s a bit dense.
“No, I’m not.”
“Yes, you are. Put down that Oreo, your butt can’t take any more.”
“You’re rude.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Anyway, she likes to write and has finally beaten her self-esteem into submission enough to allow herself to be scrutinized under the ‘other readers’ microscope. “No! No! Not a cover slip! Last time it gave me a ra….” (mumbling)

Fisher is running a contest for the length of her book tour! To win a signed copy of Callum & Harper just click here

Fisher at her website.
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Feel like talking to her in private? We don’t blame you, she is easily persuaded into doing illegal things. E-mail her at Don’t worry, she’s put up a firewall that no government agency could penetrate.

Fisher has supplied the absolute coolest interview I’ve ever read! Enjoy =) 

Hello! My name is Fisher Amelie and I am on day 24 of my 25 Day Tour of Bad Aces. Today’s post isn’t just cool because Abbi is hosting me, although that does sincerely rock, but it’s also wicked good because I’ll be announcing the winner to the Callum & Harper Giveaway Contest! Woot! Woot!

But before we get to the goods, you must suffer through a ridiculous interview. Now, for most of the tour, my characters have interviewed each other or I’ve interviewed them, right? Well not today! Today, my characters get a chance to interview…me.

Let’s get this party started!

Callum: Sure, I’ll get started, just as soon as you sign this contract here.
Harper: (Laughs)
Fisher: *Snatches thick ream of paper* What is this?
Callum: It’s a waiver. By signing on the dotted line, you hereby waive any and all creative license for a period of one year where the characters of Callum & Harper are concerned. For example, this means you may not give us terrible rashes, halitosis, or stick us into the tops of trees for an undetermined amount of days.
Fisher: Egad! You’re serious! I was only joking when I threatened those things. I would never do that, Callum.
Callum: Nevertheless, it must be signed.
Fisher: *Blows bangs from eyes, scribbles her initials on the line* Fine. Happy now?
Charlie, Cherry, Harper, Callum: *Breathes sigh of relief*
Fisher: Sheesh! Had I known you all took my threats seriously, I would have demanded a bit more than good behavior from you lot!
Charlie: Sit, Mrs Amelie. I have a question for you.
Fisher: *Sits, gets stared at by four pairs of angry eyes, shrinks into herself, gulps* Go on, then.
Charlie: Why are you such a mean old hag?
Cherry: Charlie!
Charlie: *looks at Cherry* What?
Fisher: What do you mean, Charlie?
Charlie: The stuff you wrote about us is awful. Why?
Fisher: *Sighs* Oh, Charlie. Don’t you know? I don’t write you. I observe you. Your decisions and the terrible things that happen to you are all of your own making.
Harper: What! I did not choose to become an orphan!
Fisher: I wasn’t implying that, silly. I am just trying to explain to you that your story wrote itself, dear. Besides, I seem to remember a few amazing moments in the book as well. Oh how quickly you forget!
Callum: *Blushes* Yeah. *Clears throat* There were some pretty cool things.
Fisher: See?
Cherry: *Laughs* Remember that day tha…
Fisher: Shhhh! You’ll give away the story, Cherry Bomb!
Harper: Tell me what day you’re thinking of, Cherry.
Cherry: *Cups hand over Harper’s ear, whispers*
Harper: *Eyes widen, swallows hard* Yup. That was some day.
Callum: *Eyes Harper* What did she say? Tell me. I hate being left out.
Harper: Oh, nothing, nothing. No big deal. I’ll, uh, I’ll tell you later. Moving on, moving on.
Charlie: Oh, this is rich. If it’s got Harper in a tizzy, I have to know. Tell me Cherry.
Harper: *Grabs Cherry’s sleeve* Do it and I’ll murder your plants.
Cherry: *Narrows eyes* You wouldn’t dare.
Harper: I would. *Looks around with shifty eyes, speaks the rest under her breath* And I might even be tempted to spill a few beans myself, there, Cherry!
Cherry: *Turns abruptly Fisher’s direction* So! Fisher! Christmas is just around the corner. What are you getting the hubs?
Charlie, Callum: *groans*
Fisher: Oh, uh, well, I haven’t gotten anything yet. I’ve been rather busy.
Callum: Dang, I’d hate to be your husband. *High fives Charlie*
Fisher: *Stares daggers into Callum* You’d love it or you’d learn to love it. Capice?
Callum: *Eyes suddenly go wide* Yikes! I mean!…Cool? *Shrugs into himself, squeaks* Remember the contract!
Fisher: One year, Callum Tate.
Harper: Tell me, Fisher, why us? Why choose our story to tell?
Fisher: Because, Harper, yours is one of the best ones I could think to tell the world. I’d met so many wonderful kids that were in your predicament once, a long time ago, and their lives were something I could never move past. They were interesting, incredible, young people. Their lives were some of the hardest I’d ever heard lived and yet so many others hadn’t heard of their trials, your trials. When I really got to thinking about it, I sort of thought that since many foster kids are considered ‘troublemakers’, society feels they are lost causes but I know that to be untrue. You and Callum are some of the best kids I know because you were forced to forge your own way. You are hard working, generous, and compassionate because you grew up in the worst possible way. You forged ahead of your plights and decided to tackle the world instead of asking the world to hoist you up.
You are my inspirations…in more ways than the bite it took to write your story.
Callum, Cherry, Charlie, Harper: *Stare dumbly at Fisher, mouths ajar*
Fisher: *Shifts uncomfortably* Right then! I suppose it’s time to get going. Thank you for having us Abbi!
Callum, Cherry, Charlie, Harper: *Shake themselves awake*
Harper: Yes, thank you, Abbi!
Callum, Cherry, Charlie, Harper, Fisher: *All proceed to walk out*
Charlie: Sorry for calling you an old hag.
Fisher: *Wraps arm around Charlie’s waist* It’s okay. Just remember, never judge a book by it’s cover.