Cage York GIVEAWAY winners

I know it’s a couple of days late. Sorry about that! I’ve been locked away writing again and time got away from me.

The winners from the Sometimes It Lasts release are listed below. Thank you all for participating!

Winners of the Cage York Groupie T-shirts (if your name is listed email with t-shirt size and shipping information) 

1. Closet454

2. Carriee Harlod

3. Michelle McClenney Speyrer

4. Wendy Vargas

5. Kaci B

6. Cara Antonelli

7. Stephanie Haines

8. Desiree Putaski

9. Petra Rolane

10. Bethany Nicholson


The winners of the signed hardcover copies of WHILE IT LASTS

1. Marcy Meyer

2. Angie Fong

3. Jacki Sanders

4. Lexie Perot

5. Whitney Branim Swain

AND the winner of the iPad mini is……

Lucinda Jester Smith

Congratulations everyone! Please be sure to email me your shipping information to