Cage York BEFORE While It lasts

Here is  Cage York from Marcus Hardy’s POV in Because of Low

       “Donʼt look now but Cage is headed this way,” Dewayne muttered, jerking me back to the present. Iʼd gotten lost in my thoughts. Since Dad had informed me of how incredibly wrong Iʼd been about Willow, Iʼd done nothing but replay every awful word Iʼd said to her. I searched the crowd until I found Cage walking our way. He was alone.    “Sorry man, I didnʼt know he was going to be here tonight or Iʼd have given you a heads up,” Preston whispered from across the table.    “Stop babying him. Heʼs gonna have to deal with it eventually,” Rock said with an unapologetic shrug. He was right of course.
    “Didnʼt expect you out tonight,” Preston said as Cage came to a stop at the table.
    “I needed a night out. Low insisted I go do something.”
    “She didnʼt come out with you?” I surprised everyone including myself by asking.
    Cage frowned at me then tilted his head as if he were studying me. I stared back at him. Waiting on an answer while he decided if I deserved one or not.
    “No. She had a bad experience the last time I talked her into getting out of the apartment and coming here with me,” he replied slowly and evenly. The night Iʼd grabbed the girl and danced with her. Damn the list of marks against me were endless.
    “Uh, well, itʼs good you got out tonight. You donʼt do that much anymore,” Preston piped up in an attempt to break through the tension.
     Cage continued to glare at me, “Iʼve had other priorities.”
     I wanted to hate him. Because heʼd been there for her. Because heʼd been what I hadnʼt. But I couldnʼt hate him. Instead, I was grateful someone had taken care of her.
     “Is she okay?” I needed to know. Anything. Just something. I needed something.
     Cage let out a hard laugh and shook his head like he couldnʼt believe what he was hearing. “No, Marcus she isnʼt. But one day she will be. It isnʼt like she hasnʼt been left before. Sheʼll survive.”
     If heʼd intended to slice me open, heʼd succeeded. I needed air. Standing up, I grabbed my water and turned around to leave.
     “If it were me youʼd fucked over, youʼd be dead to me. But it wasnʼt me. It was Low. And she isnʼt like most people. If youʼve managed to put away enough of that sheltered little rich boy righteous fury and figured out what an enormous mistake you made then it isnʼt too late. Yet.” Then Cage York turned and walked away. Through the crowd and out the front door. I stood there replaying his words in my head. Then I broke into a run. 

Cage York from Low’s POV in 
Because of Low

               “UGH! Cage!” I pushed him off me and stood up. “TMI Cage. I so did not want to know that.”
            Cage cackled with laughter. “What, baby? You don’t think about me when you slip your hands into your panties and get naughty?”
            “Cage SHUT UP!” I screamed putting my fingers in my ears.
            He stuck his pointed finger in his mouth and licked it. I swear he could be so gross. “Who do you think about  Low? When you’re making it feel good down there?”
            I was getting ready to slug the stupid smirk off his face.  “First of all I don’t do that. And second of all you’re a pervert. Now go get laid and leave me alone.”
            Cage sat up and rested his elbows on his knees. His baby blue eyes were round as saucers.
            “You don’t stroke it Low?”
            “Oh. My. God. Would you please stop it!”
            Cage shook his head in disbelief.  “You really don’t. You’ve never had an orgasm. I can see it all over your face. Well shit.”
            “Cage I mean it. This conversation,” I stopped as the door opened and Marcus stepped inside. My face instantly turned bright red. I didn’t have to see it to know it. The idea that he could have heard even a tiny portion of this ridiculous conversation was humiliating.
            “Marcus, man we were just talking about you,” Cage said with an evil smirk and stood up from the couch. I couldn’t bring myself to clarify Cage’s stupid greeting. Instead, I stood frozen in place as Cage walked by me and whispered, “Remember what I said.”
           I didn’t need him reminding me that I wasn’t good enough for Marcus. I already knew this. But what he didn’t know was Marcus was completely clueless to this fact. And I wasn’t about to point it out to him.
            I shoved Cage as he stumbled and laughed before going into his room and closing the door behind him.