Author M.Leighton

Today I have the honor of interviewing M. Leighton, author of the Blood Like Poison series
I’ve read the series and I personally love it. I’ve lost many hours of sleep staying up all night unable to put these books down. 

Now for a little Q & A with this Amazon Bestselling author…. 

1. What was your favorite book as a child?
Cinderella and Thumbelina.  Even then, I had a proclivity for romance and happy endings.  I think it’s inherent:)

2. Who is your favorite author and why?

I have two.  Edgar Allan Poe is one.  He had the most amazing ability to create suspense and he often did it in far fewer words than what we use nowadays.  My other favorite is Johanna Lindsey.  There are so many wonderful romance writers out there, but I have a special place in my heart for her work.  She consistently creates characters and lives that I fall in love with.  They are as different as the colors of the rainbow, but I love them all.  Her ability is amazing to me.

3. What is your series Blood Like Poison about?
It is the story of a girl (Ridley) who unwittingly falls in love with a vampire (Bo).  As if that’s not problematic enough, Bo is not your run-of-the-mill vampire.  Therein lies the meat of the story.  His life story is far more than what either of them are aware of or prepared for.  His history continually causes them strife and threatens their love, their existence and is something they must ultimately make great sacrifices to overcome.

4. What book would you love to see go to the big screen?
I would be thrilled if any of mine graced the big screen!  I think The Reaping contains many elements that would translate well to the theater, so does Madly.  But then again, Blood Like Poison does, too, especially as the story progresses.  All my books have lots of scenes that would be very visually stimulating, so I think a good screenwriter and director could do wonders with them.

5. If you could create a dream cast for the character in your book who would play them?
To me, this is the single hardest question I ever have to answer.  I can’t think of anyone that would adequately embody all that my characters have come to be in my head.  I would have to yield to the discerning eye and vast experience of a casting director, I think.  Is that totally wussing out of an answer or what? 
Note from Abbi: Why yes, I do believe it is 😉

6. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
In late June of 2009, AFTER I’d written a 105,000 word novel:)  It took the lightbulb a little while to click on, but when it did, I couldn’t get rid of the desire.  Now it feels like a writer is what I AM, not just what I DO.

7.  Can you tell us a little about your favorite scene in the the newest release to your series?
Without doing any spoiling and (hopefully) without being cliche, it would probably be a “steamy” scene between Bo and Ridley.  Their love is deep and true and wonderful and all that lovely stuff, but it’s also more passionate than they really know what to do with.  They spend a long time struggling with their desire and I think it’s incredible to see where their love takes them physically.

8. Besides writing, what other interests do you have?
I am a movie buff and a television junkie:)  To me, writing is like transcribing a movie / show that’s playing in my head.  I think the written word and theater are simply extensions of one another.  They are the height of escapism and I think everyone needs a little of that. 
I also love to eat.  Of course!  What else goes as well with hobbies like those?  hehehe  I don’t know if my love of coffee and chocolate count as interests, but they sure feel like it!  I’m very interested in consuming mass quantities of both:D

9. Where can readers find you on the web?
 All over the place!  But they can start with my blog  I am also on Twitter as mleightonbooks, on Facebook as M. Leighton Author and Michelle Leighton, on Goodreads as M. Leighton Author and I have an author page on Amazon.  And, last but not least, I can be reached via e-mail at  I love mail BTW, so anyone who has a question, comment or just wants to chat, you can find me pretty much anywhere;)