All about the “Too Far” series

WOW. Okay…. um… Wow.

The response to Never Too Far has blown my mind… and it has made me want to close myself off in my office and write all the time. When readers love your book so much that they make it #1 on iTunes, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon within twenty-four hours then you start to think you might need to write all the time. Nonstop. My kids and husband may get a little hungry but they’ll survive. Joking! I promise my eight year old hasn’t mastered the technique of ordering off menus… (that might be a small lie).

When I wrote Fallen Too Far, I intended for it to only be two books. That was it. BUT I made a promise that if Never Too Far made it to #1 on Amazon that I would write that third book. It made it… so I’m writing it. I do not have a title yet. It is safe to say “too far” will be two of the three words in the title 😉 When will it be out? I don’t know yet. Woods story is in my head and wants out. So I’m going to write his story next. Then Cage and Eva from While It Lasts is getting a story. Jason Stone had been on the calendar to get his story mid summer. It looks like I could have the third book for Rush and Blaire out by late summer.

I have decided to leave Fallen Too Far at .99 in the self-published territories. If you haven’t read the first book yet then… please do 🙂 You can get it here


Never Too Far is available in the US here


Woods story Twisted Perfection will be out late April hopefully. You can read more about it here:

Who else in the series can you expect books from? Well Grant has a book that I hope to get out sometime this fall. And then there is Nan… not sure if she should get a book yet or not. We’ll see.

Was Grant who was in Nan’s bedroom? How am I supposed to know? I was in Rush’s head in that POV 😉 You will have to wait and see.

What about Cain? I get asked this one a lot. Cain may one day get his own book but as of right now I have no story idea in my head for him.

Thanks again for everything. When I started writing I never imagined I’d have so many readers. Not only do I have more than I could have ever hoped for but I have THE BEST readers ever. I owe the success of Never Too Far to all of you. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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