A peek into the mind of Death (EXISTENCE)

      The moment she spotted me, I knew it. Granted, she did a really good job of pretending she couldn’t see me. The fact she halted in her steps the moment her eyes met mine, then quickly darted past me as she hurried into the school, gave her away.  Students walked past me all morning without seeing me but this one saw me. I stood up from the wooden picnic table, where I’d been sitting awaiting her arrival. I could force her to acknowledge me by becoming visible to everyone else but I wasn’t in the mood to do so just yet. The determination in her eyes intrigued me. If there hadn’t been a parking lot full of witnesses, I have the feeling she would have yelled at me instead of cowering like most humans. The monotony of my existence didn’t hold much promise of entertainment. I’d play her games for awhile. Games were fun to play and it’d been much too long since I’d come across a worthy opponent, especially a female one…