A New Breathe Excerpt

An Excerpt from: Breathe

Copyright © 2011 Abbi Glines
All rights reserved, Wild Child Publishing.

I said my goodbyes to Ms. Mary and exited out of the 
hired help entrance. I walked around to the front of the 
house and stopped short at the very expensive silver utility 
vehicle waiting on me. I should have expected extravagance 
since I doubted Jax owned anything normal. I walked toward 
the car. A man dressed in black stood beside the machine. He 
stepped forward with a serious expression on his face and 
opened the door. I remembered him as one of the large men 
who’d been here the first day I arrived. 
“Thanks,” I said and stepped inside. 
I hadn’t been expecting anyone else. 
“My intention was to let you go home alone, but I didn’t 
like that idea. I hope you don’t mind the company.” Jax sat in 
the seat directly across from me, drinking an expensive 
bottle of water and watching a baseball game. He held a 
remote in his hands and clicked off the baseball game 
showing on the television above my head. 
I sat down on the black leather seat and smiled. My heart 
thumped in my chest, and I wanted to appear unaffected by 
his appearance. “Um, no, I don’t mind.” 
He grinned and handed me a fancy water. “Thirsty?” 
I took the water in hopes it would ease my suddenly dry 
throat. “Yes, thank you.” 
“You’re welcome. Which grocery store do you want to go 
I smiled at the thought of Jax Stone asking where I 
wanted to go buy food. “Sea Breeze Foods will be fine. It’s 
closer to my apartment.” 
He picked up his remote again, and with a click of a 
button the tinted glass between us, and the driver came 
down “Sea Breeze Foods please, Kane.” The giant in the front 
seat nodded and Jax rolled the glass back up. 
 “Do you mind if I go inside with you? I’m craving a 
Reese’s cup.” 
I frowned remembering his wish to remain hidden. “No, I 
don’t mind, but won’t it blow your cover if you’re seen 
walking around Sea Breeze Food’s eating a candy bar?” 
He winked and grinned. “Yes it would, but I’m 
He reached over the seat and opened a compartment. It 
took all my will power not to lean over and sniff him, he 
smelled so good. I’d noticed it earlier, but not as much as I 
did now in such close quarters. He sat back in his seat, and I 
composed my face into a curious smile. He slipped a black 
baseball hat on with the letter A on the front I recognized 
immediately as the University of Alabama’s logo. 
“Nice touch,” I said grinning at his attempt to go 
He then slipped on tinted glasses. 
“Isn’t it a little dark for those.” 
He grinned. “Actually these brighten up the night time. 
They are glasses used for seeing, not to shade the sun, so I 
shouldn’t stick out too much.” 
His designer jeans and the black tee shirt clung to his 
muscular chest and arms, and I frowned. “No, you’re going 
to attract attention in that shirt.” 
He glanced down at himself. “You think so?” 
I tried not to stammer from the shock my system took 
from his grin. “I know so. Any girl in a ten-mile radius is 
going to stare you down if you wear it. It’s impossible not 
A huge grin broke out on his face. “So does this mean you 
like me in this shirt? Am I impossible not to miss?” 
I sighed and sat up a little straighter. “I’m mature for my 
age, Jax, not blind.” 
He laughed and reached back into the compartment over 
the seat. “As much as I like the idea of you being unable to 
take your eyes off of me, I don’t want to draw attention, so 
how’s this?” He slipped into an old, faded blue, jean jacket.