Okay so I am jumping in on the Indie Carnival a little late in the game today! Anyway, today we are supposed to post the first paragraph from the book we are currently working on. So here goes….

“It’s a hot night, huh?” 

I didn’t need to look up to see who had spoken. I would know River’s voice anywhere. Somehow he always knew when I needed a friend. It had been that way since we were kids. I slipped my pencil into the notebook I’d been writing my thoughts into and closed it. River wasn’t exactly nosey but he’d been known to read over my shoulder when he hadn’t been invited. 
“It’s only going to get hotter. Summer isn’t even officially here yet,” I replied glancing up at him. I scooted over so he could sit down beside me on the edge of the porch. There weren’t many safe spots to sit on the rotten wooden porch built onto the trailer my Grandma had left us when she passed away.